Corporate culture, software development and architecture
Storytelling through Domain Expertise

Storytelling through Domain Expertise

Experience and expert knowledge are often priceless. With the domain storytelling method, the expertise of domain experts can be broken down and visualized. From the importance of the domain to the right approach to questions and digressions – here you can find out everything you need for a successful domain story.

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API-Clients – Alternatives to Postman

API-Clients – Alternatives to Postman

The era of Postman as the preferred API client is coming to an end. This article takes a deep dive into the challenges, requirements and ultimately recommended alternatives such as Insomnia and Insomnium. Why are these tools the new favorites for manual API work and how do they compare to other options?

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This is how we do it now!

This is how we do it now!

“Why is the banana crooked?” That’s a good question that comes up again and again. We want to avoid such ambiguities, recurring questions and assumptions in software projects at all costs. When we make a decision, we want it to be easy to understand later on. But how do we do that? How can we record decisions and what do we need to bear in mind?

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From O(Ouch) to O(Auth)

From O(Ouch) to O(Auth)

If you want to communicate with other APIs, you can hardly avoid OAuth 2.0 when it comes to security. We explain the most important terms and show when and how OAuth should be used.

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Monitoring vs. Alarming

Monitoring vs. Alarming

The API is ready, the monitoring is running. But who wants to spend all day looking at the diagrams generated and checking the status of the system? What do we need now? → An alerting system!

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